Read the following news stories and choose one or more to discuss. Write your comments in the comments section and check back for your classmates' opinions. Be civil and polite, but you may disagree with each other. Argue using the information in the story or anything you may know that's relevant. Do not go off topic or put anyone down.

Worlds Cheapest Car Plans to Enter the U.S. Market

Should we allow such a tiny car on our freeways?

Vick, Eagles agree to 2-year deal

Does Michael Vick deserve to become wealthy again?

Your Cup of Starbucks Just Got More Expensive

Why do you think Starbucks' cost of doing business is going up in such a bad economy? Do you think they'll get less business? Why?


i think its ok that the price went up because the star bucks coffe is delicious
Unknown said…
i think michle vick should be left alone. he paid for his mistake. he did the srime and did the time. he has every right to be a fottball star as everyone else in the NFL.
anthony said…
in regards to the micheal vick issue, i think he should be allowed back in the nfl, but i dont think he should be allowed to play so soon. i believe he should have to wait at least 1 full season before hes allowed to gain a playing positrion.
Anthony said…
I don't think that starbucks should raise their coffe prizes simply because with the economy being so deploreable, no matter how edicted people are to the coffe they have to come to realize that it is simply a pleasure and not at all neccessary, they must come to realize that their are more important things to worry about, forget the coffe, and don't stress the economy let things go as they are
anthony said…
i believe that the new, smaller car should be allowed to be sold, and driven in the united states. people need an affordable car these days.
esteban salazar said…
Micheal Vick is a changed man and should have another chance. Everyone makes mistakes and he knowns that he made a great one. In the past he was one of the best and now he is on thin ice and i know that Micheal Vick will not make a mistake. His furute is on the line and he knows it. Micheal Vick should get another chance. Something that i do not agree with is that fact that he is getting payed so much 2.3 million dollars it too much.
Christian said…
Michael Vick should not be allowed to get back into the NFL. What he did was very wrong. He should not get paid after what he did. HE should still be in jail after what he did

Learn how to spell everything
Armando said…
Even though Starbucks raised their prices, I think that people will still go there to get coffee becuase they they like it and they don't realize that they don't need it.
Jessica Razo said…
Starbucks is yummm=D
My ass is broke how are they gonna raise the prices on us with this economy.=/
mariana said…
to anthony
yea thats true forget the coffe there is more importanat things
Jesus said…
i think that people will not really mind on the price change because there so addicted to coffe.
marc garcia said…
Its about time for a car someonne created a car everyone can afford. For $2,500 it freaking awsome that there is a car out there that is that cheap. No matter how big or how small a car is a car and for that price i cant wait for it to be available in the U.S. Shoot! I know i would buy one, it looks like a love machine.
Unknown said…
hey ppl i know how to spell okay..i was just in a hurry so dont recomment about michael vick's thingy...stop hateing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anthony said…
Armando i think that people are not so dumb wited, as to buy things that they know they can use their money for something more important if they can afford it then go ahead but those who are deplored from the economy should focus on more important issues.
Korey kenedy said…
i dont go 2 star bucks so i really dont care
Rolando Vazquez said…
Karina Ortega do u know how to spell you spelled buy wrong.
anthony said…
i dont think theres a very big proplem with starbucks prices raising. untill they decide to raise prices by dollars and not cents, it isnt a big deal. poeple can still afford the great coffee with a 15 cent raise.
Jennifer Servin said…
My opinion about raising the priced on the Starbucks coffee cup is that it shouldnt be allowed.The reason why i believe that it shouldnt,is because the austerity is really bad in this society.No, i do not agree with the raise on the Starbucks cups and drinks.
miriam corrales said…
i dont think they should sale the Nano because they are not safe cars..
starbucks shouldnt go up in prices, they already are expensive and to me and need to go down. I feel with the prices going up less people will stop going and they will start going down in bussiness i personaly probably will never buy coffee again. This economy is getting worser every year making places i like like starbucks prices go up.
Unknown said…
star bucks can raise there3 prices all they want i never go there so idgaf
Bryan Lopez said…
I think it's okay for starbuck to what they what I mean come on our economy is not doing so well anyways so if they want to raise prices then let them if your going to get all butt hurt about it then stop buying so much damn coffee. said…
Starbucks is good and everything but i just rather make a cup a coffe at my house for free.
Rolando Vazquez said…
To Mariana we sholud go to starbucks...and see if they put up the prices
Leslie S. said…
Even though starbucks is raisng their price i think people are still going to buy their coffe there, starbucks has alot of locations so it is easier for people to get there.
Shelby Holguin said…
I believe the Tata Nano should be allowed in the U.S. It is a small and cheap car, which many are looking for. As long as it meets U.S safety standards, I do not see why it should not be allowed on the freeways.
Christian said…

I wont care about starbucks i really never go there
Shelby Holguin said…
I beleive the Tata Nano should be allowed in the U.S. It is a small and cheap car, which many are looking for. As long as it meets U.S safety standards, I do not see why it should not be allowed on the freeways.
Liza Valezuela said…
according to the price rise for star bucks coffee is okay but then the issue will probaly cause a decrease in customers that will visit this local store because of that issue.. some people might be okay with this price change cause they are either coffee lovers of just like there coffee,venti's,mocha,frappuccinos.
Christian said…
I wont care about the small car casue i will never buy that kinda car anyways
Rosa Ramirez said…
In my opinion i think that people might care that the coffee prices are going up but at the same time they are still going to buy it. That is specially for the coffee addicts because they can't go a day without drinking coffee. One thing that might happen is that they wont buy them as often as they used to. With this economy everything comes to a point where people realize that certain wants are not necessarilly a need.
Korey Kennedy said…
i think dat michael vick shud jus go and show the eagles dat he belongs there and also be a more positive role model 4 the youth who support him
Anthony G said…
to said
yes people can do that but starbucks very well knows that they have people addicited to their coffe so they take advantage of that and raise the prices many well pay twice just because they're addicited
susana peres said…
I think that it was ok because it doesnt matter how much it costs people would still pay the price. Some people pay alot of money for wat they want and if they raiced the prices they would still buy them.
michelle said…
I agrre with you Miriam, even though they are affordable but we should care more about our safty =)♥♥♥
anthony said…
steve, u already look like DK when u drive
Rolando Vazquez said…
Susana Peres just say pepole want coffe you cant understand what you wrote..
Anonymous said…
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jesus said…
i thik that they should allow the nano car in the united states because it is a cheap car and should be really good for economy.
Christian said…
Not A DK he looks and runs like a Turkey
Korey Kennedy said…
i think i might want 2 buy that car someday, at least i can get to where im going
michelle said…
starbucks can do whatever they want!! i dont drink coffe anyways soo i dont cake
Pumba.&Timon<33 said…
Your trying tooo
Anthony G said…
the little and affordable cars are good but people need the big cars as well the little cars do not have the power to pull with as much as a truck and really who wants that little car i'd rather have a lambo or something
Unknown said…
man christian when you run you look and sound like a horse
Armando said…
I think that the nano car should be allowed because it is affordable but only if it's safe
ChrisLoera said…
I hate coffee anyways!
bryan said…
if you dont have money to buy some freakin coffee then it sucks for you then doesnt it
marc garcia said…
yup that was me who said starbuks suck! because its so true. Drinking starbucks , you're basically asking for the runs.
Esteban Salazar said…
star bucks is good but if they raise the prices even more i WILL stop drinking it..
Unknown said…
i wouldnt drive the european car because ill look like donkey kong if i drive it...and ill flip it over the way i drive
Anthony G said…
overall the productivity that can come from building a small car like the nano is good but we need better things something more reliable
A.Alfaro said…
i agree with rosa, as much as people will complain abt starbucks prices, they will still buy it. like i said earlier, untill the raise the prices drasticaly, it wont be a big problem.
jesus said…
i think they should let vick back to the team because the eagles will need the help .
Jennifer Servin said…
MMM...well i personally woulnt buy the "Nano".I prefere a car i like rather than getting a car i wouldnt drive around.Typically,thats a really good price.
liza valenzuela said…
towards the worlds cheaps car i feel that this will problay help people that cant get a car.....

but to me i really wouldnt buy it or look at it so...
Korey Kennedy said…
michael vick suks and no one wants him on their team
susana peres said…
I think that Michael Vick should have another chance all the people make mistakes. If people dont want to see the Eagles play thats their problem.
esteban Salazar said…
The Eagles do not need Micheal Vick on there team... What is he going to be playing..
SheJanel said…
A possible reason why Starbuck's cost is going up is because they are struggling to keep the shops open. I doubt it will bring less business; If people love the coffee so much, 25 cents isn't going to stop them from buying more.
all of these people think Micheal Vick did this horable crime by killing dogs. When we kill animals every single day, but when somebody with money and fame does something they make it a big deal. To really make things bad, theres a college team called the South Carolina fighting Cocks.........
Waht a contradiction there
A.Alfaro said…
to anthony g, as much as we need something reliable, people have a bigger need for somethinng AFFORDABLE. even tho it doesnt seem safe, the car will not be allowed to be sold unless the safety standards first.
mariana said…
rolando very funny i dont have anything in my nose ok
Anthony G said…
starbucks is a corrperate big houses and even though it's suffering the depression why should we be the ones to be wiped of our money, it's them before us, first they go down, i mean we are the ones that hold power over them no matter how big they are with out us starbucks is nothing
Rosa Ramirez said…
I think we should be allowed to drive the nano in the freeways, bacuase in a few years it might meet the standards for the US. I think everyone is satisfied with the nano if they have one its a prety nice car to drive.
ChrisLoera said…

what he did was 2 make a couple extra bucks. it has nothing 2 do with the NFL.
mariana said…
susana..i agree with u..hey are goin to work on sun
bryan said…
Ay who has money for some starbucks im tristy
A.Alfaro said…
terrence makes a good point abtr the team name, and abt the fact that as much as famous people gfet away with alot of stuff, they also cause an over reaction to their crimes.
karina said…
Susana.... yup i agree with you i think its fine to raise the prices.
Korey Kennedy said…
ive only been once to starbucks it was gud but i dont drink cooffe a lot
liza valenzuela said…
towards the micheal vick issue i think that he shouldnt be allowed to play on the team for a certain amount of sessions to his issue that he has.. but if he has changed he should be let to play for a while..but i think he should be out off for a while first though...
Sokonthear said…
I believe he deserves a second chance. He has paid for all his mistakes and knows he has done wrong. Whenever someone professional or famous does something wrong, everyone puts them in the spotlight as the negative role model or something, when anyone can do the exact same thing and not be looked down upon. If you hate him so much for what he's done, don't watch the games.
mariana said…
to bucks dose not suck ok just because you dont like it you dont have to hate
Unknown said…
esteban Salazar...hmmmm idk lets see what pos. did hew play when he was on the falcons... umm common sense esteban he's going to play quarter back
susana peres said…
ROLANDO just say that you want coffee. and you should learn how to read...
Anthony G said…
to Alfaro
yeah that's all true and all but, we need muscle too, and well economic principles people will always seek the bigger better objects that's just how people are, as long as we have pride people will never get anywhere
4 all the people who dont know what position Vick is going to play!!!!!!!

he is an alternate now.......

there not even going to use him, they got him so they can trade with a team that has who they really need
Rolando Vazquez said…
Marianna i disagree with youre argument
ChrisLoera said…
i want 2 go back home!
karina said…
Sokonthear i really dont think he deserves a 2 chance.
Sokonthear C. said…
Of corse they will increase or decrease prices when the economy is going wrong, so i think coffee-lovers don't mind paying a couple more cents for their drink.
Shelby Holguin said…
I don't beleive Michael Vicks deserves to be wealthy. However, he should be allowed to play for the Eagles. He already shown regrettal for his actions. It's not like he's the only quarterback who has done illegal thing anyway...
Mr. Naron said…
Rolando, stop posting as anonymous or you'll be banned from the computer lab. Knock it off.
sayra irineo said…
Alex said…
Having these kind of cars is a good idea to have in the u.s for people that cant afford expensive cars and money for gas. Also will avoid less car accidents with these smaller cars.
Dang H. said…
The reason why starbucks are raising their prices is because, I believe the people have too much money. And somehow the people's money need to be given back to the goverment. And it's smart to use one of America's top products to do it.

We need to keep the circulation of money flowing!

That's what I think. But I don't drink starbucks so I don't know really what the people are going through when they're buying starbucks.
armando said…
i think that starbucks is being dumb because if they raise their prices people arent going to go there no more cuz its too expensive....
Alberto. Diaz said…
I belive that the nano is a good idea for the u.s, because is cheap and poeple will be able to purchase this vehicle.
Micheal Vick is a changed man and should have another chance. Everyone makes mistakes and he knowns that he made a great one. In the past he was one of the best and now he is on thin ice and i know that Micheal Vick will not make a mistake. His furute is on the line and he knows it. Micheal Vick should get another chance. Something that i do not agree with is that fact that he is getting payed so much 2.3 million dollars it too much.

i agree with u 100% on the issue of him getting another chance because look at it this way if vick was some regular citizen nobody would care or even want him to serve jail time but because he is famous and black he should be punished vigoursly... most people do not even understand the entire situation so they give an unfair statement.. but i agree with u all the way.
I think Michael Vick did a very dumb an inhuman thing by killing those dogs.He served time in a federal prision.He may of made a immature decision,but he paid for it.He is paying even more by notbeing elgible for around six regular season games.So he did what he had to do.
Caey Enkoff said…
I don't belive the Nano should be sold in the U.S. It is too small: it wouldn't survive on American roads where there are SUVs that would crush it. Accidents would happen almost everyday because someone couldn't see it or it's so small that it couldn't withstand even the smallest bump. 2,500 dollars or not, it's not worth it if you'd have to pay even ore in gas and repair bills.
Lynette Glugla said…
I don't think the U.S. should allow the Nano to enter the market because it's an ugly car, it's too small for most families, and it's too small and dangerous for the roads.
Yeraldin Garcia said…
I think that starbucks raiing the costs of each drink is not such a good idea. Customers dont want o pay m0ore for a really small drink that alrady costs more than its worth. The economy is not good right now and people mdont want to spend more on a small cup of coffee.
Cristina T. said…
To be honest, I don't think its that big of a deal with starbucks raising their prices on coffee. I mean, their coffee is already expensive yet people go there everyday to buy a cup coffee. Is 25 cents really going to make that much of a difference?
Miguel Perez said…
eagles fan might be excited about micheal vicks , but other team's fan might take cheap shots at him becasue of his mistake .he paid for his mistake so leave him alone. everyone should get a second chance. if that was u, u would want a second chance
liZ DiAZ said…
starbuck is the best ever! its prices are fine as they are. i dont think prices should go any higher. theres an economy problem already && with higher prices ppl wont go so offten.
michelle r. said…
To me, the price was raised pretty fairly. At least they did not raise their prices by dollars. But this might not help their sales.
I dont think its fair for us to pay more money to just get a cup of coffee knowing that our economy is bad!!!
i dont think its fair for us to spend more money on just a dumb drink just because our economy is bad!!!
Gary Omotoy said…
I agree with you Issac the starbucks business will go down significally. There will be less people going to enjoy what they want.
angel miranda said…
they should just get over what vic did
Xavier Garcia said…
i think starbucks is just trying to stay up with this economy. if true coffe lovers and consumers want to pay they will and if not then, they wont. they just gotta stay up with business
Dang H. said…
I do not know what Michael Vick did to not deserve to get back into the NFL. But, people change regardless. I wish I watched football, so I can care about this subject.

But, yeah, let him get a second chance if he's good at it. But if he's getting paid that much money, he better have a large amount of income tax. Like 50%!!
David Nguyen said…
i wish i kmew more about football, but michael vick like anyone else deserves a 2nd chance..^_^, i don't even know what he did.
Angel Moreno said…
i think the idea of the tata nano is dumb because thye dont look safe and toyota already startes makin small cars like it.
Yeraldin Garcia said…
The nano car is kinda a good idea because less gas and more cheaper for people that can't afford one....but in the other hand I wouldn't buy one because its not the type of car i would want......
michelle romero said…
If the car is cheap, and if it is eniviormentally effient, then i do not see a problem with sell the cars in America.
David Nguyen said…
the economoy is in a hardd situation...rasing the prices are necessary.
Desiray Goodwin said…
i think that it doesn't matter if the prices go up a little bit more because they are only raising a few thing by 25 cents so its not really a big deal. and coffee is nasty so people shouldn't waste money on it anyways.
Cristina Tedesco said…
I think this small car is exactly what the US needs right now, especially with lots of high school kids getting their liscenses now. Plus, this small car seems like it may help our economy, or at least help out college/high school students with no car.
brandon said…
Christian said...
"Michael Vick should not be allowed to get back into the NFL. What he did was very wrong. He should not get paid after what he did. HE should still be in jail after what he did"

to chrisatian
"i disagree with u completely and just like everyone on espn was talking about. its not a major offense and just because he is famous thats why ppl even care. if he wasnt a superstar he would have been out of jail sooner than he was and nobody would even hate him for it. for u to say he should still be in jail is prejudice and unfair..."
Alex said…
Everyone makes mistakes and Vic was one of them but going to jail and comming back didnt stop him from going back to the NFL. He worked hard to come back and i think they should give him a shot. But if hes not good then they should shorten his contract.
David Nguyen said…
SAVE THE WORLD! buyy neww cars! efficient and cheapp...oil is killing usssss..slowllyy
Alberto. Diaz said…
I think that the eagles did the right thing, because vick is a great player plus everybody makes mistakes and deserve a second change.
casey enkoff said…
Starbucks probably needs to raise prices because the price they need to pay for supplies has risen. I don't believe they'll lose business. Starbucks is the biggest coffee chain out there and people are addicted to their coffee.
armando said…
i dont get this.....
Justin Cox said…
To Anthony And Christian
Anthony: "in regards to the micheal vick issue, i think he should be allowed back in the nfl, but i dont think he should be allowed to play so soon. i believe he should have to wait at least 1 full season before hes allowed to gain a playing positrion."

Christian: "Michael Vick should not be allowed to get back into the NFL. What he did was very wrong. He should not get paid after what he did. HE should still be in jail after what he did"

I dont not believe he should sit out a whole season. dude did his time and he payed for what he did he has been out of the nfl for two years now and i think if he sits out any longer its a waste of talent. he already has to miss the first two preseason games and could possibly miss the first 6 games. This is his last chance and with a mentor like THE GREAT TONY DUNGY he will not screw this up he is a changed men. if you two havent seen the video of him on 60 mins then go watch it you can tell he is changed. and for all the people who think he is getting payed so much he really isnt getting payed that much you have to remember he was the highest paid Qb in the nfl b4 he was put in jail and all the debt he owns he will be making next to nothing these tow years. So i say you do the crime you do the time and he has done what he needed to do to get back into the
Dang H. said…
It would be nice if they mentioned whether or not the car is economically friendly. But small cars getting hit by trucks would have fatalities..!! I think those cars aren't safe to be in. But they're cheap, and that's always good.

Yeraldin Garcia said…
I think that the vick guy should get another chance because I think he regrets what he did and everyone deserves another chance....because no one is pefect...
michelle romero said…
I do not know alot about football, but instead of pay him, the team sounds like they are bribing Vick.
Jesery said…
Micheal Vick is not a very nice man for doing that to animals but everyone in life needs a second chance. And he got his. =]
Fernando Sanchez said…
Forget starbucks just get a Mocha over at 7 eleven their only dollar. Their friken good. You can grab a big bite while your at it. I could go for one right about now.
Leslie...Ayala said…
Hey Mr.Naron...
Well i think this is so dangerous because what if we crash with a big truck we are going to end up flyng away in the free way and what if the big truks can't see us because were so small like thats really really dangerous...!!!
I think that Starbucks shouldn't rase there coffiee because it is nasty. I don't buy coffiee now what makes them asoume im going to buy it if it's $.25 more. Besides only old people drink it thats way they are really wrinkly and old. Everyone should just drink Herbalife.
StarBucks is already to expaensive its ridiculous that people even buy from them.Its just coffee I mean make it at home where its fresh or just buy the StarBucks beans and make it your self it will cost much less
i dont think this car is safe because it looks too would be dangerous to be in there and get into a car crash..
Alberto. Diaz said…
I think prizes should not go up or down they should just keep the prizes in a reasonable prize.
alex chavez said…
20 cents isnt gona hurt? Just get the thing and enjoy it.
Or just go to Mcdonalds and get a McCafe.
Lissette Mendoza said...
i dont think its fair for us to spend more money on just a dumb drink just because our economy is bad!!!

i think your right its stupid for them to raise their prices and especially so soon.. since they are raising prices thursday then we should go get a some coffe together before we have to pay more =]
Fernando Sanchez said…
yknow that one cheap car? do you think I could bench press that thing? well.. regardless that thing needs to meet our saftey standards first =]
Dang said…
I believe everyone should drive the toyota prius rather than the nano. Because that car gets 48 mpg, because it also runs on a battery and we'll save a lot of money and save our EARTH! They say the polar icecaps might melt in 30 years, if everyone got a prius then we can delay the time. :]
brandon said…
Jesery said...
Micheal Vick is not a very nice man for doing that to animals but everyone in life needs a second chance. And he got his. =]

i disagree he is not a mean person he just made one stupid mistake
Fernando Sanchez said…
I agree with alex chaves.. although I whouldnt recommend getting anything else at micky D's that stuff is like poison =[
David Nguyen said…
air bags..=D...and safe drivers equals to less accidents

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