Econ Quiz #1


Rolando vazquez said…
I think is kind of not right they have to put up the prices on the starbucks cups.
Karina Ortega said…
I think that it is ok that starbucks is raising up prices by a little its ok because either way it is good and people will still by it.
Carmella Love said…
I think that in a way with Starbucks raising their prices it will not work because since people arent buying more coffee they are not going to want to have to pay more money for the coffee. Especially in this economy customers want lower prices and will merely be angered by the rise of prices.
-Carmella Love
Rolando Vazquez said…
well Karina Ortega i think it is not right they put up the prices and by the way you spelled buy wrong.
Karina Ortega said…
Well Rolando i think it is but everyone has there own comment you no and yea i kind of realised that late jaja my bad.
Unknown said…
i dont think i would fit in that european car.. ill probably look like donkey kong in mario cart..and i would flip it over the way i drive
jessica said…
i think they shouldnt start highering the prices first of all people have already stopped buying the drinks so if they higher the prices many people well for sure stop buying them. i think they should think about it twicw before taking that step. i know i wouldnt buy them
Haha the cheapest car sounds sick im broke as hell, I need something to get around im tired of using my skateboard haha Im down to buy a 2,500 dollar car. I think it is a sick plan. I bit millions of people are looking for something like that
Valeria Perez said…
the eurapean car should not be on the freeway, it is not safe
jessica said…
the cheapest car is ok it dosnt waist a lot of gas and its very good for someone thats very small. in my opinion it sucks i would never drive it not even if it was the last car in the world.
Carmella Love said…
I think that the NFL should not have immediately let Vick back on thier team. He should have had more of a suspension and that it was too soon for them to just immediately except him back on a team and allow him all of those millions again. They should have at least made his sentence longer or something. He immediately got back most if not of his privileges again which doesnt seem right.
Carmella Love said…
I think that having cheaper cars entering the U.s is a great idea as long as it meets the safety qualifications. That was more people can afford to buy a car since it has become nearly a neccessity in today's society. It can be like a starter car, something in the mean time. But lower car prices is always a good thing especially in today's economy.
jessica said…
hey let them both end up on the field wat can happen.its not going to hurt anyone unless they kill each other...
Valeria Perez said…
i agree with carmella, a car that small would be destroyed in an accident and so would the people in it but, i think they should take them off the market untill they are safe
Mr. Naron said…
Rolando, you don't need to be the spelling police around here. Just make your comment and move on.
Fernando Sanchez said…
That new cheap car is gonna piss alot of automakers off. its like a punch to the face to the auto industry in america. theill be forced to start making cheaper cars. whitch Is actually very good for us=]
Fernando Sanchez said…
I was never really a fan of starbucks anyways. I find it kinda crazy how people tend to waste so much money their in the first place. Those caffine addicts will keep coming back regardless of the price increase.
Anabel Chavez said…
I love starbucks Im a tottal caffine addict IM down to pay 500 dollars for a cup of coffe =D
Ulises Garcia XD said…
I think that its ok that they put up the prices anyways its just 25 cents that we're gonna have to pay and if its that help the company well ....
Selene Virgen said…
I agree with Fernando Sanches because many people do tend to spend so much money on caffine drinks...but i think that if they love statbucks that much they would keep buying them,regardless of the price.
Ulises Garcia XD said…
I think its ok that they put up the prices if that helps starbucks well...
anyways they're just 25 cents....
Ulises Garcia said…
Jennifer Cardona said…
Michael Vick should be singed in because he is a good player running and throwing the ball so why shouldn't he get a second chance on playing.Everyone should just let him play and leave him alone because everyone does bad things and he paid for what he did so he should be able to get wealthy again.
Eric said…
everyone needs to get off of vick and see what he can do as long as he show he had made a 180 turn around and continues to do good and provides a good game for all to watch

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